Case Study
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Public libraries across the country are more popular than ever with users young and old, but least amongst the demographic most capable and most likely to contribute financially: high-net-worth “empty nesters.” Their interest in a vibrant public library would need rekindling if they were to be asked to make sizable gifts to support a major renovation. The board didn’t know if the architectural plans would resonate enough to inspire support.
Plan A Advisors conducted a Feasibility Study for a capital campaign over a five-month period that engaged potential funding prospects in a way that helped shape the further development of architectural plans – and helped set a realistic and achievable fundraising goal.
• Built a Steering Committee with a wide social network to help develop a prospect list for the Feasibility Study and for a future campaign.
• Conducted 35 confidential one-on-one interviews with a cross-section of influential community members to determine the likelihood of support for a set of ambitious architectural plans.
• Revised the “case statement” midway through the feasibility study process in response to critiques gleaned from the interviews.
• Advised the Steering Committee and the library’s board to adjust the architectural plans and the project’s scope to better reflect the community’s interests and to better ensure a successful campaign.
• Formed a Campaign Committee from amongst the Feasibility Study’s most enthusiastic respondents.